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Home/Blog / Introducing Double Chin Treatment with KYBELLA™

One of the most common places to develop stubborn pockets of fat is on the underside of the chin and on the neck. This fatty tissue, often called a “double chin,” is medically referred to as submental fullness. What makes submental fat so frustrating is that it tends to resist traditional methods of reduction like diet and exercise. A double chin can develop on both men and women
as well as on individuals of every size and shape. This is why Dr. Charles Perry, our board certified plastic surgeon, offers numerous options to address this issue, including non-surgical KYBELLA™.

KYBELLA™ is an innovative new cosmetic injectable that’s designed to reduce the appearance of a double chin. While liposuction used to be the only effective cosmetic option to break down these fatty deposits, KYBELLA™ offers a minimally invasive alternative for patients who prefer a non-surgical approach to double chin treatment. KYBELLA™ is administered via an ultra-fine needle into targeted locations on the chin and neck. Over time, the fat can be broken down and filtered out through normal bodily processes. The result typically will be gradual, natural-looking improvement with little to no downtime.

Don’t let a double chin of any size limit your satisfaction with your appearance. Find out if KYBELLA™ may be right for your needs and goals during your initial consultation.

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