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Home/Blog / Plastic Surgery Diets and Weight loss: Go Vegetarian

If you’re confused about how to loose weight, you are not alone. With so many new diet books out such as the South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet, The Zone… Which one should you chose? There are so many fad diets and “new” ways to loose weight. Choose wisely because some may not be good for your overall health. In Sacramento Dr Charles Perry and Chrysalis Cosmetics are available to help you look your best through comprehensive cosmetic plastic surgery procedures, however Dr Perry feels that it requires more than just surgery to look and feeling your best.

One of the most basic and striaght forward ways of being healthy and loosing weight while looking and feeling your very best is is to start by consuming plants instead of animals for your meals. One of the biggest problems we in the western societies face is eating a healthy diet. We eat a diet based upon animal proteins and simple carbohydrates, and like other countries that consume a similar diet we are obese, die from heart disease or cancer. For more detailed information read the China Study. If you can only do one thing eat plants for a month and exercise five hours a week. You’ll be amazed at the increased energy you will have and how much better your body feels. You will also like what you see on the scale as well. Have you ever seen an obese vegetarian?

With plastic surgery it is possible to shape your physic and enhance your appearance significantly and predictably however it is not possible to improve your physical health or loose weight through plastic surgery in any meaningful way. Health is something that you choose everyday. Cosmetic plastic surgery may also help to improve your self esteem but it is unlikely to lower your cholesterol or decrease your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. The best way to loose weight and decease your risk of a western disease (breast, prostate, colon cancers, diabetes, heart disease) is through a eating plant based foods and exercise. A good read on this subject is “The China Study” by Dr Campbell. Not only will you be slimmer if you eat only plant based proteins, you will be healthier, and our environment will also be thanking you. If you like movies view “Food Inc” or read “In Defense of Food” for more information. It is important before having your appearance enhancing procedure that you optimize your size and health.

There are many reasons to look your best. It is important to also feel your best. At Chrysalis Cosmetics in Sacramento California we look forward to helping you with your plastic surgery needs. We believe that life should be beautiful. We believe it is easier to move towards a goal and look forward to assisting you.

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