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Home/Blog / Lip Augmenation; Juvederm and Resytlane in Sacramento California

Lips today are soft plump and full of expression. Before Restylane and Juvederm lips were enhanced with lip stick. Now women and men have many different options and ways in which they can enhance their appearance. Lips have become an exciting arena for the Plastic Cosmetic Surgeon. Lip lifts, lip augmentation, lip enhancement, skin peels, lip peels, hair removal and laser provide the plastic surgeon with many different tools to achieve the look you desire. Lips have many different functions including keeping the oral orifice competent and assist with speech and mastication, more importantly lips help define identity and sensuality. One is often struck by this while watching entertainers on the big screen. Lips seem to have become even more lushes.

While no lips are identical all lips have certain anatomically features that allow plastic surgeons to enhance the lip shape with precision. Notice the red part of the lip and the consistency of a wet and dry border within the red area of the lip. Also one can observe a constant a red and a white line lining the outer border of the lip. This defines the lip shape. The philtral columns and cupids bow are essential for the upper lip and the corners or commissures shape the smile. These soft curves with gently transitions give the lip its personality and often mirror the inner personality. Lips are not only apart of youth and of beauty, they are essential for expression. See the before and after photo below.

We are lucky to live in a time were we can keep our lips looking beautiful even if weight loss, age, sun damage and atrophy have wreak havoc on the suppleness so necessary for the vitality associated with the beautiful lips. Today Juvederm and Restylane are being utilized to shape and enhance the sensuality of the lips. Juvederm and Restylane utilize a naturally occurring sugar that binds with water to restore the lips natural volume and shape. This volume enhancement brings out the natural beauty associated with curves of the lips. Lip enhancement is an off FDA label use of the HA fillers including both Juvederm and Restylane, much the same that Botox is off FDA label when used for the smile lines around the eyes. Other options for the smile lines include laser resurfacing and this can be combined in a single treatment for your convenience. Juvederm is commonly used not only in the lips for enhancement but also in the cheeks and around the eyes to enhance your look. It is truly amazing what can be done with a little visit to your plastic surgeon.

Here in Sacramento, California, many patients receive their injections or filler treatments every three to six months. Dr Perry recommends that you be evaluated every three to four months with your Botox evaluation. If used regularly, it seems that less product is necessary to maintain the look you desire and it seems that better results can be obtained with frequent touch ups. Another advantage is the decrease in pain associated with the second time lip enhancement. Chemodenervation of the infraorbital nerve is often selected for the lip enhancement procedure, however in subsequent lip augmentations we are seeing more and more guests asking for just some ice and topical creams as opposed to nerve blocks for the lip augmentation with Juvederm.

We look forward to meeting you and discussing your lips today. Some also consider enhancing their lips while enlarging their breasts with breast implant surgery. See if a combination procedure is reight for you.

Another Before and After Lip Enhancement

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