Say Goodbye to Cellulite with Avéli™ Skip to main content

Home/Blog / Say Goodbye to Cellulite with Avéli™

Are you tired of dealing with cellulite, or the “dimpled” appearance that can accompany excess fat on the thighs, buttocks, and elsewhere? You’re not the only one! Cellulite can be particularly bothersome because it’s extremely stubborn; it can’t be removed with diet and exercise, nor can it be addressed with a plastic surgery procedure. For many years, patients despaired of ever finding a remedy for this frustrating issue.

But not anymore! With Avéli™, you can tackle your cellulite problem at its root. The handheld device was designed to gently detach the fibrous bands that cause cellulite.* Patients often see a noticeable reduction in cellulite immediately after the minimally-invasive treatment, and results can last for years.

Don’t let cellulite hold you back any longer. Schedule your Avéli™ consultation at Chrysalis Cosmetics today!

Medical References*


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