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Karen Shares her Experience at Chrysalis Cosmetics with Breast Enhancement Surgery

Sacramento California. Once you’ve made the decision to take the plunge with breast augmentation or other plastic surgery procedure the next big decision is choosing your plastic surgery provider. Recently I was thinking about how one makes that decision. It can be a tough one and I imagine many do it more scientifically than I as I often find myself asking others whom they would recommend and then go on line to evaluate their presentation. It is interesting because I used to look in the Yellow pages for the biggest add or closest provider and evaluate them over the phone.

Our question was, “Is this what others do too?” So with interest we began asking people whom chose us for their plastic surgery needs how they came to their decision. The number one was reason was the internet and number two was friend referral followed by other paid advertizing such as radio and print. However it certainly varies. For most people they usually ask a friend whom they would recommend especially if they have had the same procedure done. Websites seem to be the other common place from where to choose your surgeon. Before and after photos of the procedure you are interested in can be reviewed so that you can personally evaluate the results. When doing this find someone with a similar build so that you can get a reasonable idea about what you might expect from a similar procedure. Also look at how many years experience they have and be sure that they are accredited by a reputable agency and plastic surgery board. Many surgeons are also including testimonials on their websites or Facebook accounts as well. These can be helpful however remember that these testimonials are usually only from people that are willing to do them and in general happy with their results. All of these methods are helpful and you will certainly develop a feel for the providers practice and a comfort level. You will be drawn to the one that you will feel most comfortable with in most cases it will be the right decision for you. There are other ways to choose as well, give us a call if we can help. Have a wonderful spring.

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