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Home/Blog / Sientra® Breast Implant Q&A with Dr. Charles Perry

We were recently able to sit down with our plastic surgeon, Dr. Charles Perry, to discuss Sientra® breast implants – a form-stable breast implant option offered only by board-certified plastic surgeons. Below are Dr. Perry’s answers to our questions regarding the increasingly popular breast implant offered at our Sacramento plastic surgery practice.

Question: What are some common reasons you have heard your patients give for choosing and/or upgrading to Sientra® breast implants?

Dr. Perry: Sientra breast implants are only used by board-certified plastic surgeons and are thus being used in more technically-challenging surgeries with great results. The gel is more form-stable, meaning that if the outer shell leaks, the implant material is more likely to stay in place. This also means that we see less rippling with these implants and less tissue thinning over the implant. Women seem to like the gummy bear implant and have been choosing its style and shape in overwhelming volumes since its release last year. In fact, its popularity has increased so much that we have had to change implant suppliers to match our demand.

Q: If I were a breast augmentation patient interested in breast implants, why would I choose Sientra® implants over your other implant options?

DP: The reason to choose a Sientra® implant is that the company only sells its implants to board-certified plastic surgeons. This means that they, meaning Sientra®, care enough about the patient and results to forego selling their implants to just anyone. They only want their product used in the right way. Sientra®, like Chrysalis Cosmetics, stands behind its products and the integrity in which they are offered and used. This ‘stand-behind’ value is an excellent reason to use the implant.

Q: Other than their look, feel, and safety, are there any other major advantages that Sientra® implants have over traditional silicone and saline implants?

DP: The Sientra® gel is slightly more stable, even without an outer shell of silicone. The textured implants also allow one to create a more natural look, and the option of placing the implant above the muscle in certain circumstances can further enhance aesthetics.

Q: Are particular implants more appropriate for certain patients?

There is a certain, individual implant that will fit best for each individual patient. Not all implants are created equal. Sizing is so critical to an implant’s long-term look and fit that implants must be selected carefully and placed even more delicately in order to optimize the patient’s results.

Q: When patients choose Sientra® implants, how do you help them determine the proper shape and size for their wants and needs?

DP: We like to listen first to the patient and then make some suggestions as to size, shape, and placement. In addition to having the individual try on different sizes and shapes, we also perform Axis Three imaging to help them visualize the changes. Following this process, we then discuss the different options and select one that works best for all of the patient’s goals.

Q: Is there anything else you would like patients to know about Sientra® breast implants?

DP: Sientra® implants have allowed us to provide many more options in breast aesthetics for patients seeking augmentation or breast implant exchange. The Sientra® company has shown an integrity in how it does business, and its relationship with the medical community allows for plastic surgeons to offer great products and wonderful results in a way that should fit most people’s needs.

Contact Chrysalis Cosmetics

For more information on Sientra® breast implants, or to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Perry, please contact Chrysalis Cosmetics today.

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