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At Chrysalis Cosmetics, we offer Sientra® cohesive gel breast implants for all breast augmentation surgeries. With this advanced implant technology, our skilled plastic surgeon can help you improve the overall contour and aesthetics of your body while allowing you to achieve the natural look and feel you desire for your breasts.

Silicone implants are available in smooth and textured models, and the right one for your preferred outcome will depend on several factors. Dr. Charles Perry will help you determine which option better suits your cosmetic goals with regard to your implant type, implant placement, incision options, and anatomic indicators. We consider this process a collaborative and cooperative opportunity. We hope that you feel confident expressing your goals, concerns, and questions during your initial consultation and at any time. We will make every effort to make you feel at ease at every stage of your plastic surgery journey.

What Are Sientra® Breast Implants?

Approved by the FDA, Sientra® breast implants are cohesive gel implants designed to more closely resemble the look and feel of natural breasts. Characterized by their strength and durability, Sientra® implants are comprised of a silicone gel center securely enclosed in a silicone-based shell. The new implant composition can only be utilized by board-certified plastic surgeons and is considered to be the premium implant option available to patients in the United States.

What Are the Benefits of Sientra® Breast Implants?

Often referred to as “gummy bear implants,” Sientra® breast implants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including round and oval. Additionally, the state-of-the-art Sientra® implants offer smooth or textured surfaces, as well as different degrees of projection based on your individual desires.

Apart from multiple style options, Sientra® implants can be considered advantageous over traditional silicone and saline breast implants for a number of other reasons. Some common benefits include:

Sientra® breast implants are not guaranteed lifetime devices and may require a breast implant exchange.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Sientra® Breast Implants?

You may be a good candidate for Sientra® breast implants if you are at least 22 years old, in good health, and expect realistic results from your breast augmentation or enhancement surgery.

Sientra® cohesive gel breast implants are not recommended for women who currently have:

Additionally, women who are currently pregnant or nursing should not receive Sientra® breast implants. Dr. Perry will discuss eligibility in greater detail during a private consultation prior to your breast procedure.

How Much Do Sientra® Breast Implants Cost?

The price of Sientra® breast implants will vary depending on the style you choose and your unique treatment details. The most important consideration is whether the implant you select will be able to help you obtain your cosmetic goals. Sientra® implants can cost more than other brands and traditional, non-cohesive gel implants, and this is due to the premium quality of the implant and the superior results it can achieve. During your initial consultation, Dr. Perry and our medical team will review the anticipated cost of your procedure, including the fees associated with the implants, the surgery, the anesthesiology, and the hospital facility. We want you to be as well-informed as possible before you make your final decision. We can also discuss plastic surgery financing if you would prefer to pay in installments rather than a lump sum.

Ready to learn more about Sientra® breast implants? Talk to our medical team today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Perry.

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