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Home/Blog / Labioplasty in Sacramento; Plastic Surgery Today

One of the growing trends in plastic surgery is female genital shaping or labioplasty. One of the more common concerns in Sacramento, Roseville, Rocklin, El Dorado Hills Modesto and Stockton California is the oversized labia. The external genitalia can play a significant role in one’s self esteem and confidence. This is especially true for sexually active women or those wearing fitted clothes or swim suits. Women with large labia can suffer from embarrassment, pain with certain activities, difficulty or pain with intercourse and the inability to wear certain types of clothes or difficulty with hygiene. Women with redundant labia majora, often occurring after weight loss or having children, can find intercourse not feeling right, painful, and or embarrassing. While some women are born with large labia, however many acquire them following child birth, weight loss, or age. Over the past few years more women are realizing that they can feel more comfortable and suffer less embarrassment with plastic surgery for the labia. As the media popularizes labioplasty procedures in popular magazines and internet sources more women are developing an awareness that there is hope. Some have speculated that the increasing trend to having a labioplasty may be related to the increasing hairless trend, the internet and the increasing access to pornography, or the form fitting clothing industry. For women who suffer from large labia or atrophic labia majora there are many options available.

Candidates for a labioplasty are healthy and want to change the look, feel or length of the labia. Labial reductions or augmentations are done as out-patient procedures (post operative instructions for labioplasty) and can be done under local in the office or while asleep in most circumstances. Of course you and your cosmetic plastic surgeon can best make that decision together. Other options to enhance the region include a pubic lift, labia majora augmentation, a clitoral unhooding, and structural fat grafting to thicken the labia for added cushion or support. Occasionally a posterior repair of the vagina is done to tighten the relaxed tissues following vaginal delivery and this can also be arranged as well. It is often best to see your physician to discuss the options for you individually and then proceed to develop an individual plan. The good news is that there are now many options to improve the look and feel of your labia. We look forward to answering your questions. Keep in mind that this procedure can be done in conjunction with your breast enhancement or tummy tuck and rhinoplasty or facelift. If you’d like more information please call or visit our website at either or

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