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Home/Blog / Blepharoplasty or fillers for lower eye lid contouring in Sacramento California

At Chrysalis Cosmetics in Sacramento California we have been addressing the lower eyelid hollowness or puffiness with blepharoplasty for years. Removing excess skin and lifting the stretched out muscles as well as contouring the eyelid puffiness. In more recent years we are also offering similar contour changes without the operating room. Using laser and injectable fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm as well as Radiesse Dr Perry (A Board Certified Plastic Surgeon) has been able to offer lasting contouring of the lower lid and cheek without surgery in some cases. Of course blepharoplasty (or eyelid surgery) lasts longer and is less expensive (2,500- 6000) than fillers and laser and Botox over time, however for some people it is the only way to go as they do not have the time to recover from surgery.

One recent example pictured here did not want to under go a surgical procedure.


BeforeAfter - Beautiful

She has such a busy complicated life and could not arrange for the time off to recover from surgery.

Laser, Restylane, Juvederm and Botox

Laser, Restylane, Juvederm and Botox

She decided instead to make use of Botox to relax the smile lines and lift the brow as well as Profractional laser resurfacing and some Restylane and Juvederm under the eyes.

Blepharoplasty or Laser adn Fillers?

Blepharoplasty or Laser and Fillers?

Refreshed and Beautiful without Surgery

Refreshed and Beautiful

By addressing her skin with the laser and the muscles with the Botox and the volume with the Restylane and Juvederm a subtle yet youthful look was created and she just radiates! While she did experience bruising requiring cover up she was able to work the next day.

At Chrysalis Cosmetics in Sacramento, we specialize in individual treatments to achieve the look you desire and do our best to accommodate your schedule as well! For more information on Blepharoplasty visit our website

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