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Home/Non-Surgical Cosmetic Treatments/Laser Treatments and Technology/Brown Spots Treatment

Although they go by many names, brown spots (or liver spots, age spots, freckles, or another term) can be a cosmetic concern for many people. Brown spots are typically harmless and can develop from sun exposure or as part of the natural process of aging. If the appearance of these “beauty marks” bothers you, there are many options to minimize them or eliminate them entirely. One of the most effective approaches for many patients is laser skin therapy. During your initial consultation, our medical team will review your areas of concern, discuss your aesthetic goals, and develop a customized treatment plan.

What Are Brown Spots and What Causes Them?

Brown spots are essentially just a concentration of cells with extra melanin, which is what causes skin color to deepen and darken. These dots of pigment are often the result of sun exposure (or damage), genetics, the natural aging process, UV exposure (from a tanning bed, for instance), inflammation, or another unknown origin. Not all causes are well understood at this point, but if you have brown spots that you do not like, we can help you fade them.

What Are the Treatment Options for Brown Spots?

Topical solutions, lotions, and creams are available to help break down the melanin that causes the brown spot pigmentation. Additionally, some types of chemical peels and other facial treatments can offer benefits. Lasers are another option, one that we use regularly at our office. By using a specific type of light, pigmentation and discoloration can be cleared away from deep within the skin’s surface. It’s important to note, if sun or UV exposure led to formation of the brown spots, patients should be extra careful to use broad-spectrum sunscreen every day to limit the possibility of having these spots return. We advise everyone to wear sunscreen daily to protect their skin and preserve its beauty.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Brown Spot Treatment?

Brown spots can form on men and women of all backgrounds and ethnicities; however, patients with lighter skin may naturally find the concern to be more obvious. People with light to moderate skin tones are typically the best candidates for light-based (IPL) and laser therapies, although each person’s experience may vary. Individuals with darker skin may benefit from another approach, and we can help you identify what that might be. Your skin should also not have any open wounds or health concerns before beginning treatment. During your initial consultation, we will discuss any other considerations that may apply to you.

What Is Brown Spot Treatment Like?

Plastic surgeon Charles Perry, MD will choose a specific wavelength of laser to remove the brown spots while limiting damage to the surrounding skin. This use of a laser allows Dr. Perry to remove brown spots, skin tags, and moles, typically without leaving scars, by selectively heating the tissue to be removed. The laser takes only a few minutes to remove multiple lesions in a single setting. After being treated, patients often go right back to work. Dr. Perry asks that you use sunscreen and allow three to four days for the spot to be absorbed by your own body.

Possible, but highly unusual side effects may include minor pain, burning, blister formation, or a stinging sensation. Some patients experience an increase or decrease in skin color at the site of treatment, or scar formation. Multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve complete satisfaction. Short-term redness and swelling can be expected, and these symptoms should fade within a few days.

How Much Does Brown Spot Treatment Cost?

The price of brown spot removal depends on a number of factors, including how many treatments will be needed, the size of the area you would like addressed, and other aspects that are unique to your program. We understand that fees play an important role in your decision-making process, and we will provide a detailed estimate for your treatment plan at your initial visit. If you would like to consider financing options, we work with a number of reputable lenders that may be able to help you bring the cost of the procedure into your budget.

Talk to us about your unwanted brown spots. Our skilled medical team can help you find the ideal treatment for your desired outcome.

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