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Home/Blog / Can Exercise Reduce Large Male Breasts?

Gynecomastia is a very common condition among men that is characterized by excess tissue in the breasts that produces an enlarged appearance. Signs of gynecomastia can cause a great deal of self-consciousness, and while some cases of the condition resolve after adolescence, others remain throughout adulthood. In fact, many men may not even develop gynecomastia until later in life. Certain exercises may have a positive effect on the condition; however, this is only possible for a certain type of gynecomastia. 


To determine whether exercise is capable of reducing enlarged breasts caused by gynecomastia, it is necessary to identify whether the condition is being caused by a collection of excess fatty tissue or glandular tissue in the breasts. If the underlying cause is excess fatty tissue, this indicates a type of gynecomastia called pseudogynecomastia. In some cases, men with pseudogynecomastia may find that a balanced diet and certain exercises can help reduce breast size. Cardiovascular activities such as running, swimming, and cycling can be effective for burning fat overall, while strength training exercises targeting the chest, such as push-ups, bench presses, and chest flys can build and tone the pectoral muscles. Consistency in these exercises, along with healthy eating habits, may lead to a leaner chest over time. With this in mind, some individuals with pseudogynecomastia may find that exercise and diet have little to no effect, particularly in more severe cases of the condition. 

True Gynecomastia 

The other major type of gynecomastia is called true gynecomastia, which indicates that the condition is primarily caused by an excess of glandular tissue in the breasts. In cases of true gynecomastia, even the most rigorous exercises will likely not be significantly effective. This is often due to the fact that glandular tissue is tighter and more compressed than fatty tissue, making it less responsive to traditional diet and exercise routines. 

Gynecomastia Treatment Options 

Fortunately, there are treatments available for men who are suffering from either type of gynecomastia. For men who are diagnosed with pseudogynecomastia and have found that exercises are not producing a sufficient effect, a male breast reduction procedure utilizing liposuction may be an ideal solution. For those with true gynecomastia, male breast reduction procedures involving techniques that can remove the excess glandular tissue may be recommended. These treatments can also be combined for men who are experiencing a combination of pseudogynecomastia and true gynecomastia. Ultimately, male breast reduction can recontour the chest to create a “flatter” appearance and firmer tissues in the area. 

Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Charles Perry, MD, FACS, can meet with you for a confidential consultation to determine the type of gynecomastia you may be experiencing. If you are a good candidate for male breast reduction, Dr. Perry can develop a customized treatment plan designed to help you meet your goals. For additional information on treatments that can reduce enlarged breasts and successfully address gynecomastia, or if you are ready to schedule a consultation, please contact us today. 

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