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Home/Blog / North American Long Back Syndrome (NALBS)

At Chrysalis Cosmetics, we’ve seen an abundance of patients who want to address a condition we sometimes refer to as “North American Long Back Syndrome” (or “NALBS”). This phenomenon – which our board-certified plastic surgeon, Charles Perry, MD, also refers to as “Forever Back” – is characterized by a lack of definition between the back and buttocks.

Our busy, overscheduled lives can make it difficult for us to maintain a healthy weight. Our bodies are genetically programmed to distribute fat cells (lipocytes) in specific areas, and certain parts of the body – including the thighs, neck, abdomen, or arms – tend to grow and expand where excess fuel is stored. When fat builds up in the back of the torso, this area can lose definition, resulting in “Forever Back.”

Thankfully, we have an exciting possible solution for this issue: liposuction. This popular surgical method can allow Dr. Perry to address excess fat cells using minimal visible incisions, which he is often able to hide within the gluteal cleft or inguinal crease. Back fat is unique in that it’s covered with a thick layer of skin, which is able to shrink to match the proportions of the new body contours; in fact, back skin can probably do so more efficiently than skin anywhere else on the body.

North American Long Back Syndrome is also common in patients who desire gluteal enhancement. Addressing the lumbosacral region (or lower spine) with power-assisted liposuction using multiple cannula types can promote a more aesthetically-pleasing buttock contour with dramatic effects. For men, it can provide the back with a flattering “V” shape; for women, it can create a beautiful balance between the buttocks’ convexity and the lower back’s concavity. Not only can it improve the waistline and create a slimmer, more athletic-looking torso, but it can make it easier for patients to feel their best in a wide variety of clothing.

At Chrysalis Cosmetics, we specialize in the treatment of “Forever Back.” With the combination of suction-assisted liposculpting and fat transfer, the buttocks and back can be framed in an elegant, natural way that synergistically enhances concavity and convexity.

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