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Home/Blog / Sunscreen a Necessity in Sacramento California

Living in Sacramento, Roseville or Folsom one realizes the importance sunscreen plays in our everyday life. When it comes to effective sunscreens one needs to make sure that the screen is effective against both UVA and UVB rays. The UVB rays are responsible for the redness associated with being in the sun and the SFP indicates the sunscreen effectiveness against the UVB.

However the UVA is the rays most associated with aging and elastosis of the skin and brown spots over time. This wave length is longer and penetrates more deeply into the dermis and causes more damage to the critical structures of the skin’s DNA contained deep within the dermis. Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide are two of the commonly used physical barriers that can help you protect your skin this summer and protect yourself from the sun damaging rays. When choosing a sunscreen, it’s important to remember that ingredients DO make a difference. Sunscreens that contain zinc oxide or Titanium dioxide, both natural ingredients, are less likely to cause reactions in sensitive skin. Chemical sunscreens tend to be more irritating than the physical barrier sunscreens. Zinc oxide has been used for years and has proven safe even for infants and their sensitive little bottoms. Zinc oxide is also recognized by the FDA as an ingredient proven to provide broad spectrum protection from both UV-B (burning) rays and UV-A (aging) rays.
At Chrysalis Cosmetics we offer several different types of sunscreen that contain the physical barriers necessary to protect your skin from all of the sun’s harmful rays.
EltaMD sunscreens are formulated with zinc oxide and offer one of the highest percentages of zinc oxide available. All EltaMD sunscreens are sensitivity free and fragrance free. Topix or our Chrysalis Brand offer sunscreens with Titanium Dioxide and Zinc oxide as well as some tint and antioxidants to improve the skin texture while protecting your skin. Another brand that has worked well for many is the NIA product that rejuvenates and repairs the previous sun damaged skin while at the same time protecting your precious skin as well. Obagi offers a gentle sunscreen within its line as well.
Our product specialist look forward to meeting with you to discuss your skin care needs and assisting you with your selection. Enjoy your California summer.

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