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Home/Surgical Procedures/Body/Scrotoplasty

Excess or sagging scrotal skin can affect both self-esteem and comfort. This uncomfortable concern can cause issues such as sweat accumulation between the legs; pain during activities like running, biking, or hiking; and an undesirable appearance when naked. 

In many cases, a scrotoplasty – also called a “man lift,” “scrotuck,” “scrotal lift,” or “surgical testicular lift” – can be an ideal solution for this problem. This procedure has been utilized historically for men bothered by excess skin hanging below the flaccid penis in an unnatural position. Our Sacramento plastic surgeon can perform a scrotal lift to ease discomfort and increase confidence.

Quick Facts About Scrotoplasty Procedures

  • Sedation: General anesthesia or intravenous anxiolysis
  • Inpatient/Outpatient: Usually outpatient
  • Potential Benefits: Reduction of excess/sagging scrotal skin; enhanced comfort when performing various activities; a more flattering body aesthetic
  • Recovery: Normal activities can generally be continued in two weeks; sexual activity can often be resumed in a month
  • Cost: Varies upon specifics of procedure


What Are the Benefits of Scrotoplasty? 

These potential advantages frequently make scrotoplasty an excellent option:

What Does the Scrotoplasty Procedure Involve?

Scrotoplasty generally takes about an hour and is done with the patient lying down. Dr. Perry will make an incision stretching from the base of penis towards the perineum; this incision placement can address both sagging testicular skin and penoscrotal webbing. He will then place sutures in the dartos, which is the layer of muscle that lines the scrotum.* These sutures generally dissolve or fall out in one to two weeks.

What Is Recovery Like After Scrotoplasty?

Following a scrotal lift, most patients only need Tylenol to manage post-operative pain. Aftercare involves limiting physical activity and wearing compressive underwear to support the scrotum in its new, lifted position. During the first week, the suture line will require regular cleansing and application of topical antibiotics. While the incision should continue to improve over the course of a year, scars should soften and become less noticeable after about three months.

Most patients can resume everyday activities within two weeks, with sexual activity typically allowed after one month. To support your recovery, follow-up appointments will be scheduled at one week and three months post-surgery.

If you are interested in a scrotal lift to enhance both appearance and quality of life, get in touch with Chrysalis Cosmetics today.

Medical References*

Cleveland Clinic 

National Library of Medicine

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