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Our medical team is dedicated to providing the most advanced breast implant options for our patients, which is why we are proud to offer Allergan Natrelle® saline and cohesive gel silicone implants at our practice. During your initial consultation, our extensively trained plastic surgeon, Dr. Charles Perry, can guide you in determining the ideal size, shape, and type of implant to help achieve your desired outcome. Natrelle® breast implants can be used in many procedures, including breast augmentation, mastopexy, and breast reconstruction. We will incorporate your anatomic needs, expressed goals, and lifestyle preferences into a customized treatment plan. It is our goal to deliver exceptional care at every stage of your treatment, and we encourage you to voice any questions or comments as they arise.

What Are Natrelle® Breast Implants?

Natrelle® breast implants are FDA-approved and made by Allergan, a manufacturer known for its high-quality medical products. Natrelle® makes both silicone and saline implants that can be used for a variety of breast surgeries. Like Sientra® breast implants, Natrelle® silicone implants are made of a silicone cohesive gel interior core that is surrounded by a silicone shell. These implants are designed to be strong and durable while providing unparalleled results that mimic the natural look and feel of the breast.

Natrelle® also offers the most advanced saline implants available, designed to be long-lasting and flattering for a wide range of body types. Some women prefer saline implants for a number of personal reasons, and the right implant for you will depend on many factors. Dr. Perry will review all your options and provide recommendations during your first appointment. Ultimately, the final decision will be yours. It’s important to note that saline implants are approved for women 18 years of age and up, while silicone implants are appropriate for women age 22 years and older. These age limits are often waived in cases of breast reconstruction.

What Are the Benefits of Natrelle® Breast Implants?

In addition to offering a warranty covering capsular contracture (a condition where scar tissue that develops around an implant hardens), Natrelle® breast implants have a multitude of potential benefits, including:

Who Is a Good Candidate for Natrelle® Breast Implants?

Women considering Natrelle® breast implants as part of their cosmetic enhancement plan should be in good overall health, have reasonable expectations for what can be achieved, and have reached the minimum age for the desired implant type (18 for saline and 22 for silicone), unless the implant is part of a breast reconstruction. Additionally, you should not have any active infections, a weakened immune system, and certain other medical conditions that we will go over with you in person. If you are pregnant or nursing, we recommend waiting until your child is no longer breastfeeding to receive breast implants. If you have any questions or concerns, we will be happy to discuss them during your appointment.

We understand selecting the right implant for you can be a major process, and we are here to help. We can direct you toward reliable resources and offer guidance so that you can make a well-informed decision that maximizes your satisfaction with the outcome.

How Much Do Natrelle® Breast Implants Cost?

The price of breast implants will vary for many reasons. The size and type of an implant could play a role, as well as whether you are choosing saline or silicone implants. Silicone implants typically cost more than saline, as they are more complex to manufacture. This higher cost is typically supported by their durability and often superior (according to many patients) look and feel. While price should never be your first consideration, we understand that it is an important factor for most people. If you would like to consider plastic surgery financing to help bring the cost of your treatment into your budget, we work with a reputable medical lending agency with appealing terms and rates.

Discover more about how Natrelle® implants can help you achieve your goals by contacting our practice today. Our medical team will answer questions and assist you in scheduling a consultation at a time that’s convenient for you.

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