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Inverted nipple release surgery at our Sacramento cosmetic and plastic surgery practice, near Roseville and Folsom, can help women who suffer from discomfort, health problems or embarrassment attributed to the retracted nipple. In addition to remedying the physical scaring cause by retracted nipples or hidden nipples, inverted nipple release can also address cosmetic issues such as nipple asymmetry, small or soft nipples, and nipples that are too wide for a woman’s breast. Because inverted nipples cause considerable hygiene problems, embarrassment, possibly restrictions in activity and employment, limited clothing options and more, inverted nipple release can be a highly rewarding and therapeutic surgery. Some people elect to have this performed along with a breast augmentation, breast lift or liposuction.

Candidates for Inverted Nipple Release

If you are healthy, mentally stable, realistic about the limitations of breast surgery and nipple reduction, and suffering discomfort or health problems as a result of undersized nipples, you are a good candidate for this procedure.

Inverted nipple release is not recommended for:

*Disclaimer: If you are a smoker, you MUST DISCONTINUE smoking a minimum of 4 weeks BEFORE & AFTER SURGERY. A nicotine test will be administered.**

The Inverted Nipple Release Procedure

Inverted nipple release is usually performed through a small u- shaped incision in the areola under the nipples dorsal aspect. The plastic surgeon then releases the tethering ductules and cords from the retracted glandular tissues. In rare cases, nipple release can be performed using stretching of the tethering bands alone. In this case, no significant incisions will be needed. However filler may be required to augment the newly released nipple.

Next, the nipple and areola are lifted and sewn into place, usually without needing to detach them from their blood supply and the underlying tissue. The sutures support the uncovered nipple in the outward position. After the appropriate amount of skin is removed, the sides of the incision are drawn together to create the new nipple projection.

In the majority of cases, nipple release is performed under local anesthesia. The surgery is often performed as an outpatient procedure with patients going home the same day.

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Things to Consider Before Undergoing Inverted Nipple Release

Those considering breast reduction surgery should be aware of the following:


Breast and Nipple surgery can lead to mismatched breasts or uneven nipples. While additional surgery can address these problems, these factors can still diminish your satisfaction with the surgery. In addition, if your breasts or nipples were not symmetrical before surgery, it is unlikely they will be symmetrical afterward.

Nipple inversion release procedures and surgery can diminish or eliminate the ability to breastfeed

For this reason, women who plan to breastfeed in the future are advised to postpone buried nipple release surgery.

Financial responsibilities

Nipple release is usually covered by health insurance, as it is a surgery that addresses serious health issues as well as cosmetic concerns. However, you should check with your health care provider to learn about the extent of your coverage.

Nipple inversion release surgery brings on swift and significant improvements in body image

The changes made during inverted nipple release surgery can dramatically affect your lifestyle, self-esteem, and overall level of comfort. While this shift may take a period of adjustment, these changes are positive, and nipple inversion release surgery has an extremely high satisfaction rate.


Scars left by inverted nipple repair surgery can be extensive and permanent. Even with optimal healing, scars will be visible, though they will fade over time and are located in places that will allow you to wear swim suits, low-cut tops, and similar clothing with confidence.

The waiting period for results

It will take six months to a year for the nipples to settle into their final shape after inversion repair cosmetic plastic surgery.

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Risks of Breast Inverted Nipple Release Plastic Surgery

Inverted nipple release Surgery at our Roseville, Folsom Stockton Sacramento California area practice is a safe surgery, but complications can always occur and are impossible to predict. We urge you to become aware of potential complications before deciding whether nipple inversion repair is right for you.

Loss of sensation

While some temporary loss of sensation following nipple inversion release is to be expected, sometimes this numbness will be permanent.

Bleeding and infection

These are universal surgical risks. Infection can usually be treated with antibiotics; a bleeding episode during or after surgery might require a hospital stay.

Reaction to anesthesia

Patients can react, sometimes fatally, to the anesthesia used during surgery.

Poor healing/wide scars

While abstaining from smoking aids healing, the risk of poor healing or obvious scars is always a risk. Nipple surgery will leave scars, though these will fade over time.

Mismatched breasts/uneven nipples

These complications can usually be treated with additional surgery, but they will probably decrease your satisfaction with your surgical results.

Liposuction-related complications

If liposuction is used during nipple inversion release surgery or if the surgery is performed solely through liposuction, another set of possible complications are introduced. One of these is a permanent change in your skin’s pigmentation.

Complete Pre- and Post-operative Instructions for Breast Surgery Patients

Breast surgery can be simplified if you follow all pre- and post-operative instructions. Dr. Perry has prepared this comprehensive guide as a helpful service to our patients. We ask that you review the instructions before surgery, and print them out so that you can bring them with you on your surgery day.

Breast Reduction Instructions (printer-friendly)

Inverted Nipple Release Breast Surgery at Chrysalis Cosmetics – Serving Folsom, Stockton, Roseville, and Beyond

Inverted nipple release plastic surgery at our Sacramento practice near Stockton can improve your body image and give you the freedom to partake in all the activities you enjoy. To learn more about the inverted nipple release procedure, or to schedule a consultation, please contact our cosmetic surgery practice today.

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